Article 1 For the purposes of these Rules:
(a) “Convention” means the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, together with the Agreement of 28 July 1994 relating to the implementation of Part XI of the Convention;
(b) “Statute” means the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Annex VI to the Convention;
(c) “States Parties” has the meaning set out in Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention and includes, for the purposes of Part XI of the Convention, States and entities which are members of the Authority on a provisional basis in accordance with section 1, paragraph 12, of the Annex to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI;
(d) “international organization” has the meaning set out in Annex IX, article 1, to the Convention, unless otherwise specified;
(e) “Member” means an elected judge;
(f) “judge” means a Member as well as a judge ad hoc;
(g) “judge ad hoc” means a person chosen under Article 17 of the Statute for the purposes of a particular case;
(h) “Authority” means the International Seabed Authority; “
(i) certified copy” means a copy of a document bearing an attestation by or on behalf of the custodian of the original or the party submitting it that it is a true and accurate copy thereof.