General Provisions of the ITLOS
Article 1 General provisions 1. The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea is constituted and shall function in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and this Statute. 2. The seat of the…
histórica experiência muito positiva de arbitragens
Como explica o saudoso e respeitado professor David D. Caron, em memorável artigo de leitura obrigatória para qualquer interessado em Justiça Internacional, War and International Adjudication: Reflections on the 1899 Peace Conference: "Para entender os…
ICAO has its own dispute settlement system
CHAPTER XVIII DISPUTES AND DEFAULT Article 84 Settlernerlt of disputes If any disagreement between two or more contracting States relating to the interpretation or application of this Convention and its Annexes cannot be settled by…
ICC Statute´s Preamble
PREAMBLE The States Parties to this Statute, Conscious that all peoples are united by common bonds, their cultures pieced together in a shared heritage, and concerned that this delicate mosaic may be shattered at any…
in its Article 73
Chapitre Ier : Les défenses au fond. (Articles 71 à 72) Article 71 Constitue une défense au fond tout moyen qui tend à faire rejeter comme non…
In the judgment of the Border and Transborder Armed Actions
"The present phase of the proceedings is devoted, in accordance with the Order made by the Court on 22 October 1986, to the issues of the jurisdiction of the Court and the admissibility of the…
International Seabed Authority
SECTION 4. THE AUTHORITY SUBSECTION GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 156 Establishment of the Authority There is hereby established the International Seabed Authority, which shall function in accordance with this Part. All States Parties are ipso facto…
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
The Annex VI to the UNCLOS consists o f the Statute of the ITLOS, where the norms governing the entity are laid down, especially on its: Article 1 General provisions, Article 2 Composition, Article 3 Membership,…
JIPDC Summary
Introdução O Princípio da Dúvida. Aplicação Universal no Direito Processual. Concepção da Dúvida em Razão do Princípio do Consentimento na Jurisdição Internacional Tema de Alto Interesse na Orientação da Universidade de Londres A Posição Conservadora…