Subsection 5. The composition of the Tribunal for particular cases Article 16 1. No Member who is a national of a party in a case, a national of a State member of an international organization…
Tale of the Wise Old Woman
There was once a wise woman who lived by herself near a small village. Rumor had it that she could always accurately predict when the rains would come, or help heal a sick child with…
tema 793
"Responsabilidade solidária dos entes federados pelo dever de prestar assistência à saúde"
Texto original em Inglês dessa passagem de Paul S. Reinsch
It is inevitable that any undertaking should be judged primarily from the point of view of what was originally attempted by the participants and expected by onlookers rather than by a strict standard of actual…
the Additional Act to the Treaty of Bayonne, in its Article 11
"Article 11: When in one of the two States it is proposed to construct works or to grant new concessions which might change the course or the volume of a watercourse of which the lower…
The composition of the
Article 20 1. If the Tribunal finds that two or more parties are in the same interest and are therefore to be considered as one party only, and that there is no Member of the…
the ICC Assembly of the States Parties
PART 11. ASSEMBLY OF STATES PARTIES Article 112 Assembly of States Parties 1. An Assembly of States Parties to this Statute is hereby established. Each State Party shall have one representative in the Assembly who…
The Members 2
Article 5 1. The solemn declaration to be made by every Member in accordance with article 11 of the Statute shall be as follows: “I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties and exercise…
The Third Newton´s Law
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" In Philosophy, Newton's Third Mechanical Law is employed figuratively to illustrate the simple logic explaining that when one thing is X, it cannot be Y and…
the UNCLOS´s preamble
PREAMBLE The States Parties to this Convention, prompted by the desire to settle, in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation, all issues relating to the law of the sea and aware of the historic…