Procedure Arts. 31 to 34

Article 3l Request to intervene 1. Should a State Party consider that it has an interest of a legal nature which may be affected by the decision in any dispute, it may submit a request…


O princípio da não-repulsão decorre do direito internacional dos direitos humanos, o qual garante que ninguém deve ser devolvido a um país onde enfrentaria tortura, tratamento ou punição cruel, desumana ou degradante e outros danos…

Registry 32

Article 36 1. The Registrar, in the discharge of his functions, shall: (a) be the regular channel of communications to and from the Tribunal and in particular shall effect all communications, notifications and transmission of…

Roman Law

Roman Law is taken in the meaning of the applicable law in ancient Rome (from 753 BC, when the city was founded, until the Western Empire´s fall in the 5th century). Interesting reading on the…

Section 4 on Seabed Disputes Chamber

Article 35 Composition 1. The Seabed Disputes Chamber referred to in article 14 of this Annex shall be composed of 11 members, selected by a majority of the elected members of the Tribunal from among…

Section 5 Amendments

Article 4l Amendments 1. Amendments to this Annex, other than amendments to section 4, may be adopted only in accordance with article 313 or by consensus at a conference convened in accordance with this Convention.…

Section A. The Tribunal

PART II ORGANIZATION Section A. The Tribunal Subsection 1. The Members Article 2 1. The term of office of Members elected at a triennial election shall begin to run from 1 October following the date…

Section B. The Seabed Disputes Chamber

Section B. The Seabed Disputes Chamber Subsection 1. The members and judges ad hoc Article 23 The members of the Seabed Disputes Chamber shall be selected following each triennial election to the Tribunal as soon…